Francis Marion Tau Kappa Epsilon TKE  
  News 03/13/2025 7:22am (UTC)
TKE Alums get together for Wedding

April, 2010

About 15 TKE alumni from the Francis Marion Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity met for a great event over the past weekend.  Anthony Vocci (scroll #16) just got married.  It was a great wedding in Columbia, SC at an old historic Mill site.  A lot of drinks, food, and fun were had by all.  A few of us hadn't seen each other in some time, but when we get together- we sure know how to have fun.  It's easy to remember why we started the fraternity on campus- our bond is just as strong as it was in the 90's.

Francis Marion Tau Kappa Epsilon


A New Face for the FMU Mascot

November, 2009

A new statue that realistically and historically depicts General Francis Marion was erected on campus Monday, Sept. 28.  Dr. Lorin Mason, a former chairman of the board of trustees contacted the school in the summer of 2008.
He had discovered a model of a statue of Francis Marion that he really liked and wanted to purchase that statue and donate it to the University.
According to Dr. Carter, the statue's value is estimated to be around $50,000.
Garland Weeks , a nationally renowned sculptor from Lubbock Texas created the statue. The statue is made entirely of cast bronze.
As tradition has it, when anyone erects a statue of a military commander, you put the back of the individual to the area that was being defended and you have it face the area from which the attacks were coming.
In this case, since the British were attacking from the north mainly Virginia.
"It worked out well for us," Carter said. "As you approach from the two major entrances to that circle, his visage is split between them, and the plaques on the bottom face each way."
"This statue gave us a wonderful opportunity to honor the founding faculty and staff of this university. The people that were here in 1970 when they opened the doors to the university."
The names on the plaque are all in alphabetical order and they include everyone from the president of the university to the custodians of the facilities and all faculty and staff in between.
On the other plaque, you will see the names of the legislative delegation that worked hard to get the legislation passed that created the university.
"This will be a gift that will be a true legacy to the university over time"
The base of the statue was created on site by the Gilbert Construction company. They also placed the statue.


News for Fall ’08
About the FMU Blooddrive

FMU Faculty and Staff

Wednesday, October 8, 2008, FrancisMarionUniversity will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive. For the past few years this event has been sponsored by Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) fraternity; however, this year Jeff Gobin, former president of TKE and FMU Senior Psychology student, has worked to get 40 FMU student organizations involved to make this a campus-wide supported event. These organizations are working together to break the Florence city record of 122 units.

The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization led by volunteers, which provides relief to victims of disaster and helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. According to the American Red Cross, every two seconds someone in the
United States needs blood. But only 5% of eligible US population donates blood in any given year. Healthy donors are the only source of blood because currently there is no substitute for it.

FMU Blood Drive on October 8, 2008 from 10am until 7pm, will consist of 2 mobiles, located in front of the Grille and the McNairScienceBuilding, as well as a stationary collection site in the North end of the University Center Gym. The FMU Department that has the highest percentage of donors will receive a trophy at the 2009 FMU Student Life Awards banquet.

Faculty and staff can call 843-661-1361 or email to schedule a time to donate at the
UniversityCenter collection site. We are also offering faculty/staff pick-up services via a golf cart to transport you to and from the site. However, you do not have to make an appointment for the mobile location sites.

“The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give Blood.” – American Red Cross
Please call or email if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance!
FMU Blood Drive committee


News for Summer ’08
News from J.G...

There are two awards that TKE got at the 2007-2008 student life awards. The very nice crystal is an award from Campus Recreation for Greek Men’s Champions which means defeating KA and ATO in intramurals. The 2nd is a certificate for being a nominee for the Organization of the year award. After the ceremony we wanted to thank Darryl Bridges and the Dean of Students and they both told me that because of TKE, starting next year they will have a new award for community service and philanthropy work. They said the portfolio we submitted of all the work we did this year was great and we basically got 2nd place out of all the other organizations. By the way TKE was the ONLY fraternity recognized and even invited to this award ceremony.

On another note next Sunday on the 20th will be our last meeting and Justin Smith and Patrick Johnson are up for president. In all I think this school year was great for TKE. We excelled in our community service work breaking 2 school records with our blood and bone marrow drives. We were national and locally recognized for our actions with these events and made a great image for ourselves at FMU. TKE is also now the only fraternity that is asked to come speak on the student life panel for all open houses at FMU, which is great for rush when all the prospective students only see TKE letters and no other. Now since our public image is viewed positively through the community and school we can focus next fall on initiating more bothers and working internally to make our bond stronger as brothers through the achievements we accomplished this year we can defiantly make TKE into next years Superpower!


News for Spring ’08
Canoe Trip, March '08

Well it appears the Canoe Trip down the
Black River was a great success!  3 days, 2 nights in Mid March spelled for a great trip.  Too bad there was tornadic activity during the same time, but that didn't spoil anyone's plans.  As brother Beavis put it, 

"The trip was awesome. I rank it as one of the best we've ever had. And you all know how there is always something that happens on these trips that we talk about on every subsequent trip right? Well, this one was a *&^%$# doozie. I'm not sure I could even articulate this. As soon as I get over the damage that was done to my sanity I will try and tell the group."

Plans for another trip may be in the works as well.  We'll keep you informed...
Check out the pictures here!


News For January, ‘08
Traditionally, every semester we sponsor a Red Cross blood drive. This semester there were 110 donors present, 85 of which were usable units. No other school sponsored event has achieved such phenomenal results. The American Red Cross of South Carolina provides blood to 54 hospitals, including major trauma centers and rural hospitals. The daily goal for usable units in this state is 500! For you non-math-like-people we pulled off approximately 1/5 of the units required by the state. Because we have had such success with our efforts, the magazine ‘The TEKE’ is publishing us in the upcoming issue. On a final note, we are now known for two things - saving lives and breaking records. 

Also…This coming spring we are having a Trampoline-A-Thon. It is being held the weekend of March 22nd at the Super Wal-Mart on
Irby Street. Our goal is to raise approximately $5,000 for the Ronald Regan Alzheimer’s Foundation.
  • Congratulations to Chris Diven for graduating this December!
  • Red Cross Blood Drive January 30th on campus
  • Trampoline-A-Thon in Florence
  • Carolina Cup in Camden, SC
  • Formal (location to be determined)
  • Spring Break Retreat to Panama City, FL
  • #1 GOAL: Dominate every other Frat on this campus.
  • Canoe trip in the spring?
Newest Pledges to make the Fraternity!
Congratulations to our newest members this November! The following members with outstanding character are:
-Logan Pope
Levi George
-Lequon Bethea
Chris Brookens
-Justin Coats
-Alan Free
Heath Adams
-Garrett Shaw
-Drake Durant
-Cameron McBride
-James "JT" Legg
Please congratulate them when you see them, what a great accomplishment. Welcome aboard, brothers!
In other news…TKETOBERFEST was a huge success. On October 25th through the 28th the First Annual TEKETOBERFEST blowout was held at Lee "Beavis #14” Tigner's property in Dawsonville Georgia. All Tau Sigma Teke's young and old were invited to attend, and the party was a smash hit!
Two awards were given out. Mike “Chooch” Ciucci #19 won the "Tau Sigma TEKE Achievement Award" for building the TEKE website that has been a wonderful tool to communicate with everybody. And Refugio Banuelos #37 won the "Tau Sigma TEKE HOLY S**T AWARD" which is special recognition to the brother that actually does something productive with his life and makes the rest of us say "holy s**t?!".

We had a total of 38 attendees and amazingly there were no accidents, injuries and even the yard was cleaned up sufficiently when all was over. Thanks to everyone that made this event possible, and a BIG thanks to Lee
Tigner for allowing us to destroy his property.
Plans for The Francis Marion TKE Reunion have been made! The dates for the event are October 26,27, & 28th, and the location is in the mountains at Tigner Plantation, Dawsonville, GA. Brothers: Please visit the ‘FMU TKE Brothers Only Area’ to view the location, information, and entertainment! We have an entire page dedicated to the event, so please visit the Brothers Only page. Also, you need to visit us at the Forums HERE to catch up on the latest news.
There is no doubt…this will be the biggest FMU TKE bash this decade. Make sure you log on the the Brothers Only Area, and if you do not have a password, email us on the ‘Contact’ page. Actions have been taken in order to ensure that this party will go off without a hitch, and that this 5 acre parcel of partying will have endless amounts of food, fun, and entertainment.  We will see you there!!
7/17/07 News for July
We added some new photos to the gallery, so check ‘em out! Comment on them if you know anything about the photos. If you’re sill holding on to some photos of yourself or others, send them to us!  A big thanks to Stamp's wife, Lindsey for getting those to us.
Do any of you know who’s missing on our scroll on the 'Members' page?  We’re missing numbers 56, 88, and 103. If you know who they are, let us know on the ‘Contact’ page.
6/11/07 New Forum up and running
Well…(as our TKE Ronald Reagan would say), we’ve got our new Forum up and running. Have you registered to join it yet? It’s a great way to keep up with your TKE brothers at FMU, and you don’t have to pay a cover charge! I don’t know about you, but I can’t recall a “one-stop-shop” where we can all stay in touch, much less learn about our own alumni. Got any great stories you wouldn’t mind sharing with the active brothers? Tell them in the forums!
6/4/07 Check out all the visitors!
Did you see all the visitors we’ve had on this site already? And how about the location of these visitors (check out the map at the lower-right of the page). Pretty incredible! We’ve got visitors from all over the globe. We’ve only been up for a short while, but we’ve been getting some pretty good traffic.
If you’re a brother, you may also want to check out our “FMU TKE Brothers Only Area’. This is an area of the website strictly allowed for brothers only. Don’t miss out!
5/22/07 Send us Info!
If you have any stories, pictures, content, or anything that you’d like to see up and on the website, let us know! A lot of the alumni don’t know the newer brothers and the newer brothers don’t know much about the alumni. We think that stories, pics, etc. will be a great way for all of us to see what each other is doing.
Camping trips, parties, pictures of The Cup, hazing photos (OK, maybe not), send them either to Chooch or Blythewood.
A special thanks goes to Eric Kempson (#99) for getting us contact info for the active brothers!
5/15/07 Possible Summer ’07?
There have been rumors floating around about a possible “Francis Marion TKE Reunion”. Could it be true? Could this actually happen? Well we’d like to see it happen. Is it possible for the Summer of ’07? This summer might be a little too soon to tell, but please give us some feedback if this is something you’d be interested in.
One idea is renting a place at Myrtle Beach and staying for a long weekend. This seems to be the latest idea that has stuck thus far. We should also hire Dave Chappelle for entertainment!
The weekend could be about gathering older alumni as well as new brothers, together. Do you even know anything about your alumni? Do you know your current brothers!? This could establish a long overdue “meeting of the minds” in which we could all get together and have some fun.
Give us some ideas!
5/15/07 Website Up!
Well, we’ve gotten a website up! It’s just been implemented, so if you see something that needs some help, or have any ideas, please let us know under the ‘Contact’ page.

  Places To Go:

Who would you like to have lunch with in person?
John F. Kennedy
Bob Marley
Tiger Woods
Barrack Obama
Jessica Alba
Ronald Reagan
Donald Trump
Albert Einstein
Kurt Cobain
Winston Churchill
Cameron Diaz

(View results)

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  Submitting Photos
If you have any photos you'd like to submit, please send them to us and we'll take care of them.

If you have any text for a bio or similar, just submit it at the 'Contact' page.

  Check this out:
Be sure to check out the forum and catch up with all of your TKE brothers! HERE.
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